“The Great Reformation”

Document No: PUB 20O/22 Posted: 06 March 2023

The 2022 IPReg consultation on proposals for changes to regulatory arrangements

The Intellectual Property Advisory Board (IPReg) was set up in 2010 by the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) and the Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA) to be the independent regulatory body for both patent attorney and trade mark attorney professionals in the UK. In early 2022, IPReg opened a consultation on significant and wide-ranging proposals to change the regulatory framework for regulated attorneys.

The IP Federation submitted a response on 17 March, and the consultation closed on 31 March 2022. IPReg later reported that they received a further 35 written responses from individual attorneys, firms, representative bodies such as CIPA and CITMA, as well as the Legal Services Consumer Panel. IPReg also published a response to the consultation and an updated version of their impact assessment on their website.
